Happy Birthday Eleanor!
By your first birthday, you:
- Are still Mummy's little girl
- Have 6 teeth
- Weigh almost 9kg and have finally had your carseat turned
- Are walking
- Love to eat almost anything
- Wear size 00 clothes
- Can clap and wave at appropriate times
- Will say bye-bye all day
- Are James' little Princess
- Still have enormous, beautiful eyes
- Love your first BMW
- Know exactly what you want - and aren't afraid to let us know
- Have wonderful fun playing with mummy's material
- Pull your socks off at the first opportunity
- Don't like to be thrown in the air, but love to hang upside down
- Are an absolute delight
Above is Eleanor's 12-month photo on her quilt, and below is a link to an ordered Flickr set of all her monthly photos from 2-12 months:
Today I did Eleanor's First Birthday photoshoot. Outside conditions weren't pleasant, so we set up inside and I hoped the flash and custom colour settings I played with would cooperate. I'm really pleased with the results, but will eventually have a go at photoshopping some of them.
First, Eleanor wearing the beautiful outfit
Joy made for her: