
Tuesday, 6 May 2008

A Quandry

I had wonderful plans of a swirly quilt; aqua swirls on a black and white background. The applique is going to be much fiddlier than I'd anticipated, and so far none of the black and white background fabrics I've auditioned work. What do you think?
I can't find a balance which shows the swirls properly, and have considered using multiple black and white fabrics radiating from the centre of the swirls, but wonder if that might make things worse? I'm thinking of ordering these 3 from eQuilterto try:


  1. That's a great idea - full of potential. Maybe the aqua needs an outline of white peeking out from beneath it on top of the black and white? I don't know...

  2. From the untrained I like the first one...but then I don't know much.

  3. I'm far from being an expert :) but it seems to me that the backgrounds are too busy for the delicate applique shape to stand out. Imagine how much it would 'pop' if the background were just black/white? I love the shape, and I love the backgrounds, but I think they are don't allow each other to shine. The one that would probably go best with that shape would be the plain black and white stripes, the swirly applique shape would stand out more as the background isn't swirly as well. Anyway that was the first impression that I got :)
