
Saturday, 9 August 2008

Round and Round

After an extended stay in Adelaide, first with Joy and then in the depths of my sewing room, AJ's Round Robin centre is finally ready for its trip to Helen's. Here are some cryptic peeks:
A backlog of other projects, and indecision about what to add in my borders has meant it's only about a month and a half late!
In the end, I only added a fairly narrow 4.25", as AJ has said she doesn't want it to get too big, so she can use it as a wallhanging.

Over to you, Helen!


  1. Can't wait for it to arrive Emma! I have the perfect fluro Aboriginal print for this! LOL

  2. Care to explain why you have fluro Aborigninal prints in your stash, Helen???

  3. I love how your sewing is always so neat, everything always lines up perfectly :) And that bubble print is really cute.

  4. Oh WOW! The fabrics look great together and the tiny triangles look divine - you must have more patience than me! The bubble print looks familiar too - you have done a fantastic job of picking fabrics that match.

  5. Bubbles and Diamonds my favourite!! Looks great Emma...No fluro!!! :P
