
Friday 30 April 2010

Fancy Feathers - detail

I'll warn you now, this post is photo-heavy. I'm proud of the fancy feathers I quilted, so here are some detail photos, and one of the finished quilt. It's now on it's way back across the country to Adds, who pieced the top.

I've left all the images relatively large, so you can click on them to see more detail. It's actually nice and squared, though it doesn't look it in the photo above; I just didn't get very straight on the wall.

If you look closely at the image above, you can see a major spine of feathers going from left to right.

A fun heart filler (I came up with several variations as I quilted):

I was quite pleased with how I managed to keep close to the edges, withough getting too close so the quilting is hidden under the binding (well, in most places, it did sneak under a couple of times!).

A different heart filler - this one came straight from Linda Taylor's fancy feathers:

Some more...

I did this section towards the end, so there are some newer filler patters, and it's definitely neater:

An 'extra' heart:

A hidden ladybird:

And more...

I really like the filigree-style filler on the right of this one:

Some waves:

Another hidden surprise:

Even though some of the intricate quilting gets a bit lost in the prints, it gives wonderful texture, and it's fun to look closely and find the detail and surprises.
It was hard to let this one go!


  1. Someone is going to be THRILLED to have this quilt!

  2. How fun! It's gorgeous . . . How long did it take you to do all that quilting?

  3. Looks like you had fun with this one! It's turned out beautifully. Adds is one lucky lady.
    BTW, APQ landed in my letter box yesterday. Great article and your quilts look fantastic! Congratulations

  4. Beautiful! I am regretting not watching that video on the free day they had. I tried to watch some but couldnt get anything to work so I gave up! I am kicking myself for doing that now, I love these!

  5. Emma, your quilting is just getting better and better - just lovely! Adds' quilt is pretty cool too :)

  6. Fabulous quilting, you took a very nice quilt and turned it into a stunning quilt.

  7. Emma - THAT is just beautiful. I love the way you have done your feathers. i will come back later and have a closer look...really wonderful

  8. Nice and squared due to my fabulous accurate piecing!! Love all that you have done, I owe you BIG time, this quilt has a very good home to go to. XX

  9. Your quilting is AMAZING on this one Emma, I can only dream of getting this good. Right now I have two baby quilts sandwiched and ready to quilt, wanted to do some all-over type pattern but have been staring at them for a week too scared to get started. I know I will probably end up doing something really simple again just to get them done and gifted, because I just want to run before I can walk. I will continue to aspire to your quilting wonder!

  10. Stunning, Emma! Your quilting just gets better and better! Have you told us what sewing machine you accomplish your work on?

    I can imagine how difficult it was to part with this quilt. I hope you earned heaps for it!
