
Wednesday 28 April 2010

Feeding the forest family

Owls, squirrels, what else is in this forest? There are a few shy family members moving in...
The quilt grew quickly today because the borders I added, although fussy-cut, were unpieced. Next up is a complex border of 28, 24-piece stars, which will naturally take rather longer!

I also forsee this being put aside for a little while, as my sister-in-law is in hospital on bed-rest, and likely to have her baby before the week is out - a full month early. Luckily it's not early enough to pose significant risks to the baby, but enough to throw my plans out! I'm eyeing-off a pile of stormy seaside-toned prints to use for that, and have a cream and pink print in mind to give it a bit of zing and femininity.