
Saturday 29 May 2010

Quilting the forest

Here's a bit more of a look at the commission quilt I'm working on. The colours aren't overly accurate here. I've done most of the stabilising quilting-in-the-ditch and have started the fun part - the free-motion quilting. There's ony one part of the centre tree section left to quilt. I'm trying to space out the quilting more than I usually do with my tree quilts, because I know I need to keep a fairly consistent quilting density across the quilt to keep it flat, and I don't want the whole thing too stiff. The centre does need a fair bit of quilting though, because just after quilting around the tree's branches, it's already puffed-up in the spaces around it. I think I've struck a good balance around the tree; as little as possible while keeping it smooth and even. But I'll have to rethink my quilting design for the first border, as it'll be too heavy. I think the problem is that the pieces are quite small and I keep wanting to do too much detail. I have feathers planned further out.


  1. JAW-DROPPING is the only adjective that comes to mind. This quilt is FABULOUS, AMAZING, OUT-OF-THIS-WORLD BEAUTIFUL, ARTISTICALLY MAGNIFICENT!

    Thank you for sharing this photo!!

  2. I agree with what Duff said! Lauren is going to be one lucky little girl, thankyou so much!

  3. Really beautiful Emma - both quilt and quilting - fantastic!

  4. Emma I think you've outdone yourself here. This is one spectacular quilt. Love the quilting in the middle. It adds so much dimension.

  5. I am loving the look of this quilt more and more as bits and pieces are revealed. It's not aolour combo I would naturally pick, but it is just gorgeous, and totally suits the theme. Loving all the woodland bits the best!
