
Monday 14 June 2010

Giveaway Sundays - Week 2

Sorry it's a day late, I wasn't well yesterday. Actually, I've been sick since Friday, and have missed most of the long weekend!

This week's giveaway is a dozen fat quarters. They're metric fat quarters, so a little bigger than the imperial ones.

How to Enter: International entries welcome. This week, in your comment, just tell me what you like about winter! This long weekend is the start of the Australian ski season, and skiing is my absolute favourite thing about winter! Bonus entries to everyone who spells favourite 'correctly' (this is me seeking revenge for the time I spent in a US-centric International school!).

Remember to come back next weekend to check the winner and next giveaway!


  1. There's so much to love about winter! Cold weather means possible snow days and nice temps for running. I'm in the other hemisphere, so right now it's ridiculously hot here--not my "favourite." :)

  2. I guess my "favourite" part of winter is a little bit of a cool down. We live in the deep south and we don't normally get much winter weather. I love to fix soups and hot cocoa too!

  3. I love the cold, wwhich is ironic considering I live in a sub-tropical region.
    I enjoy a cool breeze on my face and having to 'wrap up warm'. I love wearing knitted garments and boots with thick socks.

  4. favourite, but in the US - they make me say favorite!

  5. What I love about winter is that I no longer live in Canberra! Middle of June here and we went camping this weekend. It was fresh, but not freezing!
    (BTW, my word verification is hater. Sums up my feelings about winter perfectly!)

  6. I love winter because my allergies are under control. I can go for walk outside only in winter! Also, the snakes are not out in the winter so I will walk down to the river. It's not winter here and I visited a friend Saturday. Now I am sick for 2 days just from being outside Saturday afternoon. ugh.

  7. What i like about winter is the prettiness of a new fallen snow., white lights, hot chocolate, soups and stews and wearing sweaters. I also love sliding, building snowmen and watching my children build snow forts.

  8. Personally, I wounln't live in an area with such long winters if I had my choice. I need winter at Christmas and then I'm ready for eternal spring and falls. My FAVOURITE thing to do in winter here is sit cozy and snug near the wood stove and kids under foot any more, so more time to spend doing the things I like best...

  9. Winters here in the Midwest, USA are cold and blustery, snowy, windy, wet and slushy. But my "favourite" part about winter is the hush that comes with a new fallen snow especially in the early morning. All is quiet and very beautiful before all the day's traffic, etc. starts up. And I really don't mind shoveling the snow.
    The fat meters are lovely. Great giveaway. Thank you for sharing.

    Have a super great day.

  10. My absolute favourite is sledding with my hubby and then coming inside for some hot chocolate and a nap under a quilt!
    -Megan (

  11. right now i would love some winter snow as the temp is 90F....

    HOT HOT HOT....

  12. I Love our Aussie Winters..the changing of the Leaves & many Stitching hrs...made my first Pot of Soup over the weekend..comfort food is very welcoming...Thanks for a Generous Giveaway...

  13. a fresh snowfall that has turned the trees into snow goblins, clear, crisp blue skies and sunshine - that is my all time favourite thing about winter!

  14. white is my favourite colour and i love how the snow makes everything white, still, serene and peaceful.

  15. I love winter for the crisp days, and bright sunshine. I have no problem saying favourite since I am Canadian. It drives me crazy though that it is always considered a misspelled word.
