
Sunday 20 June 2010


I finished this little doll's quilt last night, and have called it Nectar. I took some quick (and very late) photos to show the quilting, but somehow forgot to take it outside and get some decent pictures today. Given the busy week I have ahead with an extra day at work, and several appointemnts, I won't get a chance now until next weekend.

I wan't overly happy with the piecing accuracy - too many of the points didn't meet up; but since it's for a little girl to use with her dolls and teddies, I decided not to worry about it. On the other hand, her bed quilt was going to be very similar, but I couldn't live with these inaccuracies in a bed quilt, so I'm considering th options. At least I have a bit of time until that quilt's needed.
After I'd quilted in-the-ditch around the borders (the narrow red border is a 1/4in flange) pretty much everything else is feathered.
Everything apart from the corners (below) are freehand.
I wanted the corners nice and symmetrical, so drew a template, but couldn't trace it after sandwiching, so I use my quickunpick (seam ripper) to cut along most of the lines (not a very accurate way fo cutting, but quick and good enough for what I wanted), and folded them back. Then I just 'traced' inside the  paper template using a clover blue pen. Because it's just paper, it gives easily to allow me to draw a smooth line.
I don't know why I used to be so scared of using markers; this one goes on easily and comes out quickly with water - I don't like the crinkly look of a washed quilt, so I use a cotton-bud (Q-tip?) dipped in water and rub that along the lines - it does a good job and dries quite quickly, but would use a lot of cotton buds if you marked an entire quilt.
I've added this quilt to the pile of 18 already on my shelf!


  1. The quilt and the quilting is amazing. Great, wonderful work and very well done.

    Have a super great day.

  2. Emma your dollquilt is fantastic ,
    I love it!


  3. I'm in love with this one - great colour combo and fantastic design.

  4. THanks for the tip on making that template. I too tend to shy away from marking, but as I hear of others doing it successfully, it encourages me to try. I like to read about tips like this to broaden my horizons....
