
Thursday 15 July 2010


I ended up going for the non-striped binding. The stripes were just too much for this quilt.
I was in such a mad rush to get the quilt finished and sent, I didn't have time to photograph it properly before I sent it. I didn't even do a final check for loose threads etc.! I got an express post satchel from the post office earlier in the day, and at about 5.35 went for a drive to what I thought was the closest express post box. Unfortunately my post office was ill-informed, and there were only regular postboxes there, so I jumped back in the car and raced (fortunately against the peak-hour traffic) to the next mail centre. I pulled in at 6.01 (boxes are emptied from 6pm) to find the mailman finishing emptying the box! Luckily I was able to hand it straight to him, and I had confirmation this morning that the quilt arrived safely yesterday afternoon, less than 24 hours after leaving my hands!

1 comment:

  1. Could of saved yourself some time and machine sewn doen the binding!!
