
Thursday 29 July 2010

Final giveaway at last

Here's the final giveaway at long last!

A yard of this green Toile of the Owls from Hushabye by Tula Pink.

The equilvalent of about one and a half yards of this pink and chocolate Bunny Damask frrm the same range (it's not quite the full fabric width, but is around 2y in length)

And a copy of the upcoming issue of Australian Patchwork and Quilting, which has an article I wrote! Its due out any day now.

If the winner is in Australia, I'll throw in the following three one-yard cuts as well - postage overseas is costing me a fortune! If not, I'll do a second drawing for these three.

How to enter: Leave a comment on this post - but don't just say 'enter me please'; tell me something about yourself, a story about quilting, give me a link to your favourite quilty blog/website, a funny story... it's up to you. And don't forget to let me know what country you live in! Oh, and make sure I have a way to contact you if you win!

You have plenty of time to enter, as I'm having a bit of a blog break, but I'll be back on the 10th of August to announce the winner.


  1. What lovely fabric. I live in the US and would love to win these. I just made a baby quilt for a shower and owls were in the fabric. It made me smile as soon as I saw it.

  2. Very nice fabric... love the one with the rabbits, reminds me of when we were growing up and my dad raised rabbits in our backyard. I live in a small community in Northwestern Ontario, Canada. Quilting is my passion and I love fabric to bits! Thanks for the chance.
    micheletimms (at) gmail (dot) com

  3. I live in the US.I have been quilting on and off for about 17 years. A lot of off time with raising a family. i have gotten back into quilting the last 2 years. So really out of the 17 years i have been quilting about 5 years. I love fabric and color.

  4. I am a southerner in the U.S. I am addicted to quilting.

    I am currently working on a wedding quilt for my youngest son and his fiancee. They will be getting married Oct. 22, 2011.

    The bride has picked out purple and white for the quilt. I am really enjoying this as it involves applique which is my favorite.

    And I am a chocoholic. So I have a year and a few weeks to cut back on the chocolate and lose some weight for the wedding which will be in Long Island, New York.

    Would love to win that fabric.


  5. Lovely fabric. I live in the USA, Florida. My latest project is making a baby quilt using only vintage scraps (true scraps) from my mother's scrap box. To my surprise, it actually looks OK. Thanks for your giveaway. Your latest quilt is amazing.

  6. All that fabric is beautiful! I live in the US, and I really like the Oh, Fransson! blog. The name and blog design are so cute, and the content is great too.

  7. I live in the US and my very favorite website that is quilting related is Bonnie is very inspiring and her scrap sysstem works great! Enjoy!

  8. Well, I'd be happy to save you some overseas postage! I already shared my quilting story of the day - cleaning like a maniac and discovering charm squares and a jelly roll that I'd forgotten ever existed - I'm still smiling about that :)

  9. Oh, I'd love to read you r article!!

    About me?...oh golly,sigh.
    I hate to cook & clean, and we had a fridge die 2 days ago which has left me buying ice 2x daily! ...not the most interesting tidbits, but you know I am a a beach-loving, quilting addict who hates the snow (yet still lives in a northerly climate!)

  10. That first fabric is one that I used in my second kaleidoscope quilt and I have been looking for more of it!

  11. I love Tula Pink!! Beautiful fabrics. I live in the Sunshine state of Florida in the US. My friend spent a week with me recently. She was telling me about her grandchildren. One day their mother was giving "the" talk about having good manners when some guests were about to arrive. She told the older children "and remember that Kate is your sister". Little 3 year old Kate, wide eyed responded "I AM??" (I hope you enjoy it as much as I did when the story was told :-)
    Thanks for including me in your wonderful giveaway!

  12. I love the owl fabric; I just found out I will be a first-time grandma! My daughter is pregnant and due in February.... you guessed it-- she loves owls and has already purchased an item for the nursery with owls on the fabric. I don't quilt, my mother does (she fab!!), but I would love the fabric to make something for my first grandchild. I would love to pay for the postage so you don't have to, I live in Virginia in the US.
    Thank you for offering this give away and showing us your amazing quilts!

  13. I am from the US, and I am a new quilter! I have finished one quilt for my nephew's first birthday, and now I am working on one for my other nephew and my niece, who are both turning one in September! Love the fabric!

  14. Hiya! I hope you are going to enjoy a nice break away from blogdom! I've been sewing for forever, and quilting for nearly as long - my first quilt was made as a wedding present for a friend and I knew nothing about quilting! I cringe when I think of that one, but it did turn me on to HSTs - that quilt consisted of 12 rather large ones with 4 corner squares, minimal quilting - my only hand quilted project! scary scary thoughts! These final fabrics are gorgeous! Oh, and I'm in Canada, and I feel your pain with postage costs!

  15. I'm from Israel.

    I've always loved paisley-esque fabric patterns. When I was a teenager I borrowed two of my grandmother's 30 year old blouses because of the fabric pattern. She was highly amused!

  16. yey!! i love that fabric!!
    so im from israel and im a mom of 3 little kids
    i looove sewing but i havent been sewing for a while becues we descoverd a sink whole under our rented house! yes! its crazy! so we had to move right away in to some small apartment
    i am now waiting for the day to sew again! at least i getto needle stitch when i find the time but im still buying fabric, collecting it and making sewing plans on paper
    by the way im also having a giveaway on my blog for some fabric from israel
    you are welcome to enter

  17. Lovely fabric. Would look especially nice in my hands!

    I'm from Saskatoon, Saskatchewan (that's in Canada) and am smack in the middle of the ever creatively-inspiring wide open spaces we call "the prairies".

    I was too busy with kids and work to do any quilting for many years but now that my kids have grown and moved away from home, I'm back at it! I'm working on a yoyo quilt, a quilt made with antique handkerchiefs and want to make a t-shirt quilt of all my son's saved sport t-shirts. And there's lots of dreaming being done about future projects ... future projects that involve pink and chocolate bunnies!

  18. Hi Emma I love the bunny fabric. I am a wanna be quilter...I have books, cutter, mat, rulers but no finished quilts. I do more clothes sewing but maybe this fabric would take me over the edge to actually commit to a quilt. Susan in Australia

  19. Another great giveaway. I go by Miss Nancy since there are so many Nancys in the midwestern USA. I love to quilt, especially the piecing part. I am willing to try almost any technique out there. They have also called me the queen of pinning since I pin just about everything before I sew.

    Have a super great day.

  20. What a nice giveaway, and I will like to take part in it. I'd like to tell you about my birdquilts I make for the British Birdfair. Made a big one last year (august), and you can have a sneak peak on this years quilt also, a little smaller. Nice to hang around with all the people, past 20 000 of them, who have their main interest in birds. I am from Norway. If I win, I can use it in my next birdfair quilt.

  21. Ooooh love those fabbies. I am an Aussie girl in Sydney. I love knitting and quilting when I have the time. I have a huge to do list, which keeps getting bigger when I blog hop and see what everyone is doing...a few sites I like are Jaybird, Crazy Mom Quilts, Attic 24. Thank you for the giveaway. Enjoy your blog break.

  22. Hi, Im an aussie quilter in NSW, I have so many quilt blogs in my reader that choosing a favorite would be near impossible, Cabbage Quilts, Red Pepper Quilts, Clothworks, My Three Sons, Sparkly Green Knickers, the list goes on!!
    Thanks for the giveaway!

  23. Hi (waves), I live Perth, with my family and I like to sew quilts and dance costumes. I have a huge WIP and UFO and to do list, I like collecting christmas fabric and doinging hidiously boring quilting patterns! I love your blog, I read it all the time. Thanks for the giveaway!

  24. It's lovely fabrics. I am from Brazil living in Anchorage-Alaska. I am mother of two boys, and I love to do all kind of crafts. My favorite is sew and I just started by my self last September. I am still breaking a lot of needles, threads bur I am keep going :D My first project it was a Halloween costumer for my 13 year old. I can tell you I am so impressed how wonderful was and everybody on the streets was telling him how cool was his costumer. He decided to be a jester and I was so nervous to start my first sewing project. I did take 3 months trying to find a pattern, then I decided to do the design by my self and drawing on the paper. Finally on month before my son came to me and asked: "Mom, where is my costumer for Halloween party on my school?? there will be a competition for the best costumer and I want win!"
    My gosh I was so nervous and I decided to sit and start sewing, otherwise he was not going to have any party, competition and very sad. After 4 days sewing and trying on his body, it's became a trophy for me, because I never could believe I was capable to sew anything on my life, and my son was using a costumer made from his mom! my husband was so excited and telling all his friends: "My wife made that!"
    Oh, I cannot forget to tell you, I made the jester hat and shoes!!! :D I will never forget how happy my son was and how proud he was using the best costumer on the competition.
    After that I decided to start quilting, I made one baby quilt for my son 20 months old and it was not to bad, then I decided to go for the big ones :D and I am here, lost in how I will put this big quilt on my sewing machine to use the free motion foot for the first time. :D
    I am very excited to have a craft community here in Anchorage, specially on winter time ;)
    My blog is in Portuguese, but you can see me and my family. My crafts and all about Hawaii, Alaska and Brazil ;)
    Thanks for the opportunity to tell you about me and my first experience sewing.

  25. Greeting from Washington DC area. It is so hot here!! We've been spending quite a bit of time inside because of the heat. It's making everyone irritable, especially my almost 3 year old son. In the midst of getting cranky yesterday and starting to have a melt down I said, "why don't you get your milk, give yourself some room, and lay down on the living room floor and watch tv for a coupla minutes." He grabbed his milk and then headed towards the toy box. Holding onto his milk and with one hand emptying the contents of the toy box, he found what he was looking for. Letters M, R, O, O, . I asked him why he had them. He said, "you told me to give myself some room, so I have R-o-O-M" and he shuffled over to his pillow and laid down and drank his milk. Wow, so I guess he DOES listen...silly me.
    Thank you for this generous giveaway.
    Nsue21702 at gmail dot com

  26. Greetings from Germany,
    I love to sew Quilts and clothes for my 4 grandchild's.
    The first green fabric with owls is beautiful.
    Do you know this german website?
    There are many patchwork tutorials.
    Best wishes

  27. Well a quilting story....Iwas sewing along my merry way a few weeks ago and managed to do somrthing I have not done since one day at high school when I was not paying attention to what I was doing and that is sew right through my finger. The needle got stuck in my nail and a pair of pliers was needed to pull it out from me and the machine.

    Hope that story counts. Love the little people on the beach material.

  28. I'm an aussie girl (vic).

    As a quilty mum I really value the interest my little boy takes in my work. He suggests fabrics and combinations that will work together, tells me which fabrics are "beautiful" and when I lay out pieces on the floor to arrange he asks whether there are any pins so he can "trot" on my quilt.

  29. Those are GREAT fabrics! Thanks for the chance!

    My favorite blogs are crazy mom quilts, oh Fransson, Modify Tradition, I could go on and on!

    I'm in the USA and have been quilting about a year and a half. Totally addicted but never have as much time as I'd like to have to quilt!

    Now off to check out your blog! Glad I found it!
