
Sunday 15 August 2010

Quilting job

Just before we went away, I sandwiched this lovely quilt made by Kayscha, and started on the quilting.
This weekend I've finished it off.
It's 50in square, and to go with the soft, feminine fabrics I quilted a swirls and feathers pattern. It's all done freehand.
As I went, I discovered new ways to combine the swirl and feather elements, including my new favourite; feathering one side of outer ring of a swirl:
I took a few quick photos, but it was very overcast and threatening rain - though now it's lovely sunshine which would have shown the quilting much better.
I like this pattern; it quilts up reasonably quickly and has lovely texture.

This quilt is now folded ready to post back  - and it will most likely cross paths mid-route with the next quilt she's sending me!


  1. Love it Emma, thank you! Can't wait to see it and mum will think it is fabulous!!! x

  2. What a wonderful quilt and the quilting is wonderful. Great job done by all. Thank you for sharing.

    Have a super great day.

  3. Stunning quilting. Your work is such an inspiration !!
