
Tuesday 14 September 2010

Skiing - Setting the Scene

I had menat to post photos from our skiing holiday soon afterwards, but sorting the photos is taking an age - and it's already over a month ago. Oh well, at least that means it's less than 11 months until our next trip! And since there hasnt; been much quilty action, I thought I'd show some before it's a distant memory.

(From our window early one morning; after overnight snow and before the lifts started)

It's been quiet here after a tough week. It started with wild and wooly weather and over 12 hours, in 2 bursts, without power (not conducive to quilting!). It got cool, too. Why does our gas heater require electricity to run??? We went to my parents' for dinner, their suburb wasn't in one of the areas of 60,000 homes affecetd that night. Then came home to a cold, dark house, and a sick child in the middle of it all - fun!

(Sunshine another morning - a beautiful day to ski!)

Then a few days later I found myself with the 'flu, for the first time in about 20 years. Again, not conducive to quilting. Since starting to improve, I've been working on the Beach Qquilt pattern - it's all written, but needs the pattern sheets working out and then printing.

(Also from our apartment. Fires went through here several years ago, and many trees remain bare)

I'm now binding a quilt I started for myself months ago for winter. At least it's still cool!

(View from Scott Quad over Rocky Valley Dam)

So, back to skiing. We had a wonderful week. It started with rotten weather (probably the worst I'd ever skied in, and though James was an absolute trooper, Eleanor hated it and was promptly returned inside!) But a few days of heavy snow is a good way to start the week, especially when it's followed by mostly sunny days, and a few overnight falls of fresh powder.

(Snow Gums along the home trail)

Our apartment looks over one of the main access lifts, and is very convenient. We can also watch the snow-groomers in action at night!

(Snow Gums under the chairlift)
Next up, Eleanor's Skiing Holiday....


  1. Beautiful photos Emma- thanks for sharing :)

  2. I am sitting here in Houston Texas, USA with my hubby and looking at your pictures and thinking OH.MY.GOODNESS. SNOW.
    How beautiful! I can not believe it is snowing in Australia! My husband said it happens all the time! I AM SO SHOCKED!
    What a lovely view you have though...very nice. Still shocked though! :)
