
Thursday 14 October 2010

EBDQS4 quilt top

Here's the completed quilt top. It's a wholecloth quilt; I chose some of Karen Stone's Cinco de Mayo blocks (which are based on the Radiant New York Beauty block) and marked them on the fabric using a Clover blue water-soluble marker. I marked the block grid with rulers first, then traced the blocks into place one at a time. Then I quilted the 'patches' with different colours and textures instead of piecing them. I worked out the layout in EQ7, but chose the colours and textures as I quilted. I used 10 colours of Auriful cotton Mako 50, and one 50wt Guterman cotton. The white (front and back) is all bottom line, and I went through five bobbins of the stuff on the back!

I tried to use as many different patterns as possible, but did repeat a few. Most of the patterns I doodled, but a few came from Leah's blog. The border is McTavished, and the white background of each block is finely feathered - all but a few feathers are under an inch long. I chose to leave one row of triangles unquilted in most of the blocks, because of the texture and contrast it added.

(Different lighting and showing some of the binding fabrics I auditioned;
I went for a black with a delicate white filigree pattern.)

The back is plain white Bottom-line thread, but some of the coloured threads show through where they were threaded-in, and some of the colours show through a little, too. This will look fun when backlit!

I'll photograph it properly outside on Friday, when it's bound, with a label and hanging sleeve. But before I can label it, I need to come up with a name; I have an idea around which to base the name, but haven't come up with something that's quite right yet.


  1. OMG that is just amazing, whoever gets that quilt is one lucky person. I can't believe how amazing it is.

  2. I love everything about this quilt!

  3. Emma, you're a dead-set legend. That's just beautiful. It reminds me of a skeletonised leaf, just stunning.

  4. WOW WOW WOW!! You have outdone yourself with this one. It is beautiful!

  5. This is spectacular, wonderful, gorgeous, and absolutely awesome! Super well done! Thank you for sharing your fantastic work.

    Have a super great sewing and quilting day.

  6. Oh my goodness! You are one supertalented lady!!!

  7. That looks absolutely amazing!

  8. Emma, WOW, stunning, amazing - I love it!

  9. That is amazing. Really a lovely quilt, nicely done!

    Have you also checked up at to find what other quilters are sharing too?
