
Thursday 21 October 2010

World Statistics Day 20/10/2010

Trust statisticians to pick a nice, neat date like that for our inaugural day! And I couldn't let the day pass without sharing some of my blogging stats.

(an iris I planted with James)

It's good timing, since yesterday marks 2 years since I put the blog visit counter on my blog. Being a true statistician, I've been tracking it out of curiosity. The average number of daily visits to my blog has increased from 36 two years ago, to almost a hundred. Every time the Bloggers' Quilt Festival comes around, the daily average for that month shoots up, and the highest number of visitors on any single day was over 700 during the festival this time last year.

(me mucking around last night - a rare occasion with Simon behind the camera)

I love looking at where the visitors are coming from (I use feedjit) and get a real thrill when I see a column of flags from loads of different countries! I also like to investigate the blogs they come from, and have found some great ones that way.

And now, since I know this is interesting to no-one but myself, I'll shut up and go to bed!


  1. Wrong Emma - I think its interesting - and well done!!

  2. Da quando l'ho scoperto il tuo blog, una sbirciatina al giorno almeno, a volte anche due....
    Ciao Domenica

  3. I also found it interesting!

  4. Came across your blog and found it very interesting. I am a fairly new quilter and love to look at other quilters work. I am learning with no help except the blogs I follow.
    but I love it. Enjoyed what I read of you blog.
