
Saturday 20 November 2010


I've benn out of action for a few days. Late on Wednesday night I got careless with the rotary cutter and sliced off half a fingernail and a sliver of finger, and spent from 1am-6am at emergency - most of that time waiting.

This is how I left what I was doing (at least there was no damage to the fabric!) and the current state of my finger. Offending tool in plain view - blade replacement due before I start cutting again! I've been on pretty strong pain-killers, and have been either sleeping or feeling very woozy most of the time, but it's slowly getting better and I'm feeling more like myself - but if I don't keep my finger above shoulder level, or if I move it, it throbs badly, so I'm kind of useless!

Before the accident, I had added the last 2 borders to this quilt, so it's now ready to sandwich and quilt - one day!

I was cutting another flannel quilt, using slightly softer pinks this time:

I'm hoping by tomorrw I'll be up to doing a bit more; I can't afford to lose any mre time!


  1. just the thought of it makes me wince in pain. Hope it all heels nicely and quickly.

  2. Oh no Emma, I do hope it gets better quickly.

  3. Oh Dear..Sorry to hear of your little will probably take a bit of time to mend..that part of the finger is very take it easy while you can...I love the first quilt especially the cute owl in the the 3D effect...
    cheers for a speedy recovery.

  4. Mi spiace tanto.....
    ci sarà un lato positivo....
    tipo....puoi riposare....
    non puoi lavare i piatti....
    no è....

    Riprenditi presto!
    Ciao Domenica

  5. Ow, ow, ow. You poor thing. Now I'm really wary of my cutter. Hope it's feeling much better soon.

  6. A true fabric lover - showing off the fabric has not been spoiled. I too had a similar accident where the rotary cutter fell on my left foot - hitting some serious artery and bone.

  7. oh emma, ouch!!!!!!!!!!!1 quilting can be dangerous for your health then

    rest up and hope you're back to normal soon


  8. Been there, done that! I hate when things like that happen. It puts me so far behind!

  9. I did that same thing in July. Ouch, I know how much it hurts! Now 5 months later it is still hyper-sensitive from cutting the nerve, but even that is getting better all the time. Hang in there!

  10. Time?!
    You can't afford to lose anymore FINGERS!!!

    Glad it wasn't any worse, and here's hoping you mend really QUICK!

  11. ouch!!! hope it heals soon, I think it has put me of quilting for today

  12. Ouch ouch ouch! I hope your finger feels better soon. The quilt top looks lovely, what a clever design!

  13. Cringe, cringe - can hardly think about it. Owieeee!!! Thank good ness the fabric was OK! LOL

    I enjoy your blog and photos so very much - !!!

    (wow - I had problems sending this - the audio came on for Word Verification! Wierd - never heard that before)

  14. Oh, ouch! Your quilt is going to be gorgeous when its done, though.

  15. Hi, I just did the same thing this week too! So I sympathise. I cut through the same finger half way across the nail and needed to get stitches at hospital. My ffabric was not damaged either so lucky there, just frustrated. We take so much for granted.
    Kim, Sydney, Australia.
