
Thursday 9 December 2010


Simon and I went away last weekend. It was a rare few days away from both children and sewing!

We hired this car, and drove to a lovely place in the Barossa Valley. We didn't do a lot, but did enjoy driving around! It was hot on saturday, but a brief late change came through in the afternoon. This was from our verandah.

While we were out at dinner, Simon surprised me with an eternity ring. I had done some 'research' for him, but hadn't really expected it...
This second photo shows the new ring, and just a peek at what I did to my fnger a few weeks ago - finally now healing nicely.

We took a very scenic route home through some cool and very beautiful parts of the Adelaide Hills that I hadn't even realised existed. And all within an hour or so of home...

We stopped at my parents' to collect James and Eleanor and our car, and much to his delight, James rode with me in the Z4 on the way to return it. He suggested we buy a 'Z5' so that we would all fit in it. I like his logic!

James and Eleanor trying it out before we went away:


  1. Happy Anniversary. Your Eleanor doesn't look too happy that you are driving away :-)

  2. Happy anniversary - what a great gift you got...Hope the rains dont cause you trouble?

  3. Happy anniversary!! The ring is lovely, you lucky thing! Sounds like a lovely weekend, the Barossa is a beautiful area.
