
Wednesday 15 December 2010

Printing and piecing

A few weeks ago I was sick of having real troubles with my printer not feeding properly, so I bit the bullet and bought a monstrosity! It occupies a lot of desk space. The reason for its size is that I love foundation piecing, and printing out the foundations, but am sick of being restricted to A4/letter size. This new printer is capable of printing (and scannign and copying) A3 (ledger I think?) paper. Already that has been handy to scan the double-spread of the last quilt I had published in a single go. I'm now lookng for A3/ledger size foundation sheets, but haven't had any luck so far. I love Carol Doaks foundations, so am looking for something along those lines (easy to print on and to tear out). For now, I have ordered three different A3 lightweight art pads, and will test them out, but would love to hear if anyone knows of larger foundatuion papers....

(sorry about the mess - the whole room could do with a good sort out if the current rush is ever over)

Today instead of binding the quilt I should have, I printed out at last the foundations for my next quilt (oh, the bliss of not having to lean over the desk and feed the pages in one-by one, which is horrible on my back!). Tonight I pieced 72 of these foundations - there are still 3 pieces to add to each (that's 216 seams for the evening, and asmany more left!). These will then go together in fours to form 18 blocks. Then I have another 72 QST foundations (only 5 fabrics on each of those!) to make the other 18 blocks for the quilt...

The colours look a bit dull here; they're actually a bit brighter, but the request for this quilt was warm, earthy tones, and I think I will meet that when the two blocks are combined.


  1. I'll be watching to see more 'warm earthy tones', which are MY favorite also.

    Have fun with your new toys.

    Regarding paper? I've seen some odd-ball sizes of kids drawing paper, which is lightweight and cheap, but I don't know what the sizes are as a standard. I just know I have to trim what I have to put it through my standard-size printer

  2. Look forward to seeing more of the quilt - great looking printer!
