
Monday 24 January 2011

New Quilter

James has been asking for a while to make his own quilt, and this week seems like the right time. He starts school next Wednesday with some half days. I've taken this week and next off work to spend some special time with him. Eleanor is still at childcare on her usual days, which still gives her Tuesdays and Fridays with me - and of course Wednesday is the Australia Day public holiday.

Last week I let James make a few fabric and fancy thread selections, and inspired by Milly's blog post, prepared 8in squares to make a raggy quilt.Today he paired the first lot of front and back fabrics (with a bit of help to get them even), pinned them together, and started sewing. He absolutely loved it, and really focused on the tasks.

Hes known for ages I kept my old sewing machine partly for him to use, but we're actually using my new one, since it's out, and at the moment I'm actually doing some of the sewing with him. While it's on the sewing table, he can't reach the pedal while guiding the fabric through, so we're alternating jobs. So far he prefers making it go to keeping it straight! He's quite good at speed control. It took a quite a while to teach him how to gently hold the fabric to guide it through, without pressing too hard, or pushing it through, but he's improved significantly over a few sessions today.

The rest of the squares are ready for him to do a bit more tomorrow, and I might try placing the machine on their small table so he can have a go at doing it by himself.

Like a true quilter, he already has grand plans - not only a quilt for himself, but also one for Bec (his special toy) and yet another for the rest of his soft toys!


  1. Good for James! And good for you to have patience with him. It's appropriate for children to learn at his tender age.

    I met our step granddaughter when she was nine years old, and our first activity together was to make a little quilt for her stuffed animals. The quilt wasn't more than 16" X 24", but I took pictures throughout the process and then had a little picture book made of it (through At 12 now, she keeps the book beside her bed, and the little quilt covers her stuffed animals. It's a very special memory.

  2. just adorable!! My grandson's made coasters this year, they love sewing!!

  3. Awww, how cute! My nephew loved to sew when he was that age too. He's in college now and prefers to bring things to me to sew for him.

  4. Bravo James, bravissimo!
    Ciao dall'Italia....

  5. Just last week my 7year-old used the sewing machine for the first time and made a skirt. We overcame her short legs by putting the foot-pedal of the machine on a stool. It worked really well for us.

    Can't wait to see how James gets on with his quilt. I bet he is loving making it with you.

  6. Too cute!

    His choice of fabric (the butterflies) is very appropriate too ;) cant wait t ill I can teach Kaylee to sew :)

  7. Oh he's so adorable!! Great to see a boy learning to sew too :)
