
Tuesday 8 February 2011

Wholecloth snowflake

Almost exactly a year ago, I started this wholecloth snowflake. I quilted the snowflake in silver thread, then set it aside (below) while I ordered the background quilting thread, and then got busy with other quilts. I pulled it out a few days ago, and in an evening it was finished, right down to the hanging sleeve!

I decided to add an extra line of silver inside the largest feathers, then McTavished the background in navy Bottomline as planned. I'm really pleased with the quilting. The background is like a snowy night sky, with a shimmering silver snowflake in the moonlight, and the quilting gves the impression of snowflakes swirling in the wind.

These photos were taken inside at night, so the colour isn't quite spot-on, and you can't tell that the border is an icy blue fairy frost. I'll try and get it outside for some decent photos tomorrow.

I had thought about keeping this one, but I'm now considering selling it - I really have too many quilts already! Please contact me if you're interested. Otherwise, I might eventually get around to putting it in my Etsy store.

It finshes at 21in (about 53cm) square.


  1. Thanks for sharing the pics of your beautiful Snowflake quilt! It is stunning. Is this your original design? Honestly viewing your post has started my day in the very best way!!! I have added your blog to my follow list!

  2. Looks beautiful Emma - What threads did you use ?

  3. It is just gorgeous Emma! Such an inspiration - a relatively simple design, but so exquisitely executed! I love the silver against the dark blue, and like you say, the McTavishing does look like swirling snow!

  4. Just a wonderful quilt! Love this snowflake, the swirling snow, and the bright dots - just like dancing snowflakes. Beautiful!
