
Friday 25 March 2011

Marking and quilting

More of the same tonight; the straight lines are finished, but these slightly curved ones aren't much more exciting - though they do look good.

The marking is finished on this quilt now (I've never done this much on one quilt, and hadn't really expected to do quite so much on this one!) and once the rest of the curved cross-hatching is done there's just a little filling left. I'll have to wash it once the quilting is done to get the marking lines out, and am hopeful it won't crinkle up too badly.


  1. Can't wait to see the finished product!

  2. Do you do your curved hatchings with a walking foot, or freehanded? Looks great-

  3. Beautiful quilting really awesome, more photo's pretty please!

  4. Very, very pretty! I recently heard someone say about quilting, "When you think you've quilted it enough, quilt some more." You've already gotten that one right!

  5. Beautiful quilting Emma - You are doing a fantastic job on this one. Hope you send lots more photos.
