
Friday 4 March 2011

Ouch - again!

This is not how my ankle should look!

Nearly a week ago I rolled it in a rush going to collect James from school. Luckily I managed to hold onto Eleanor, who Iw as carrying, until the last second. I've sprained it pretty badly, and a week later it's still badly swollen and bruised (love that yellow shade!) from my toes up to a good 4in above my ankle. It's held up quilting, because it needs to be up quite a bit still, and I have absolutely no faith in it while I hobble around unless it's heavily strapped. I seem to do this every few years or so and this is definitely worse than last time.

Back to quilting tomorrow with any luck...


  1. Ouch!!! (At least your nails look nice!!) Hope it keeps holding up for the quilting.

  2. Oh - thats not at all nice...hope it gets better soon...I thought for a moment it was your finger you meant. Still a foot is almost as bad - and it sure looks painful still! Melissa is right - your mails are lovely though :)

  3. That looks painful and i know how it feels. I suffer the same problem, rolling my ankle onb a regular basis. What I have found help is to have physio and do some exercises that tighted up your ankle muscles. They are nbot hard to do but will strengthen the joint and make you a lot less susceptible to rolling in the future. Good luck!

  4. OUch! Lucky it was before the snow comes...not during!

  5. Yikes! That looks like a horrible sprain. Take it easy on that ankle. I've had bad sprains like that and it's surprising how long it takes to get them 100% back to normal. Hopefully you don't have to stand on your feet for too long.
