
Wednesday 27 April 2011

Stitching up the looong weekend

With Easter and ANZAC Day combined this year, we had an amazing 5-day long weekend in Australia. Perfect! As we have done in previous years, we went with Simon's parents to their holiday house.

James started the weekend with some excitement; he rode along the beach track with Simon and Pop to the little shop to get the paper on Friday morning, and was mucking around on the way back. As they were telling him to stop putting his feet on the crossbar, instead of on the pedals, the front wheel turned sharply and he went over the handlebars. They were only a few minutes from home, but called me to come and deal with the bleeding. Despite still being in my pyjama pants, I drove straight there, and one glance at the gaping gash in his chin as I replaced the newspaper they were using to cover it with, with a sterile wound dressing, told me we needed a doctor, even though James was coping remarkably well. Luckily the hospital at Wallaroo is only a 10-15 minute drive away. We stopped home to get a few things we needed (and allow me to dress properly!) and headed off. I can't say enough about Wallaroo Hospital; the staff were excellent, and they were quick - we were home within an hour! James has five stitches in his chin, but the incident didn't appear to dent his enjoyment of the weekend, and he still went riding and fishing, and all sorts!

Simon and James with Tuesday morning's catch;
Sweep (including the one James is holding),
one Snapper and one Red Mulloway.

Naturally, I did a lot of quilting, and will share photos in the coming posts.


  1. Povero James!
    Guarisci presto!

  2. OH, a sad and happy picture! Glad he made it through okay. Looks like a fun catch!

  3. Thankfully all is well and your weekend wasn't spoilt. How lovely to have time for some quilting too.

  4. Chin stitches are a rite of passage! Glad he enjoyed the rest of the weekend.
