
Tuesday 10 May 2011

James' first FMQing

James finished basting Bec's quilt last weekend, and last night had his first go at free-motion quilting on a scrap sandwich. I wish I'd got a photo; he even had the quiting gloves on!

You can see in places I showed him the movements. I think we'll need quite a few more practice sessions before he starts on Bec's quilt - or maybe Ill have to do it with him - maybe my expectations are too high? There's a lot for a 5-year-old to get his head around and coordinate - does anyone have any tips?


  1. Let him go for it. It's most important that he have fun. You will probably have to finish it anyway! lol!

  2. Even James quilts better than I do (sigh) Talent must just run in the family! I am thinking of taking your advice and sending you my other its a hoot quilt and then practising on the quilt for qld!
    Oh, and the girls at my quilting group were all so impressed with your quilting - you don't want a teaching gig anytime soon?!
