
Monday 16 May 2011

James quilting

James and I had another go at quilting this afternoon. This time we worked together, with his hands restong on mine. Some fo the time I steered, other times I let him, and it seemed to work a lot better. As well as some free stitching, I drew a few lines for him to try and follow; two wavy lines and a row of loops - this seemed to work really well (although his following ability was questionable!).

We decided that we'd keep to this method, and started on the real thing; Bec's quilt. James stands on his small wooden chair in front of me - the only real problem with this is that there's not too much space, and he tends to lean either back on me, which makes smooth FMQing difficult, or on the edge of the table, which catches the front of the quilt and stops it from moving!

Simon was home while we were doing some of this and I managed to rope him into takeing some photos with the camera I'd set up on the tripod at the back of the table.

We've only made a small start on Bec's quilt so far; it's a loopy meander.


  1. Aw, so cute! He looks like he is concentrating very hard on the task at hand.

  2. What a star - thats beautiful!!

  3. This is so awesome - How precious is this quilt going to be - worth more than any dollar amount, that's for sure!

  4. Brilliant idea having his hands on yours. No reason why this should not work on adults who are hesitant to try for themselves! Thanks for the idea!
