
Monday 27 June 2011

Tessellating feathers

I was on such a roll after finish quilting the elephants last night, that I made a start on quilting another quilt, which has been sandwiched for a while, but waiting for attention.

I didn't get too far because it was late, and made some minor 'mistakes' (the way the quitling design tessellates is much more complicated than the square blocks I used!). But it's quilting up nicely, and it was very nice to be able to jump straight into the quilting, having already designed the quilting and done the boring sandwiching. Hmm, maybe I can outsource my sandwiching?!


  1. Hehe I outsource my sandwiching to my teens when I can. They dislike it as much as I do, but they really like the tank of gas I give them for it! And they do a very good job.

    I really love how you're quilting this one.

  2. I don't know anyone that likes the sandwiching part, small quilts are ok but large quilts are just a pain to do.
