
Friday 1 July 2011

Building Blocks

This evening I've been reading instead of sewing, but thought I'd finally share with you a quilt I finished months ago, but just haven't got around to blogging! There seem to be a few of these piling up.

Building blocks is about 55in square and has been sitting finished on a shelf with about 20 other quilts, and come Christmas will be for one of the kindergarten staff (the batik palms I've been - and am meant to be - quiting right now is another).

Early in the year I made a stack of crazy-pieced blocks form my bright scraps.

Building Blocks is the first of two quilts from these 50 blocks - the other is not made yet, but I have come up with several designs to choose from to use them.

The quiting took ages (with lots of stops and starts) and isn't quite right (as it was pointed out to me, the design is really too formal for a very informal quilt)- if I were doing it now, I'd just do a fun allover pattern in a light thread, but I was afraid at the time that whatever colour thread I chose for an allover would detract from the white/dark contrast. Instead the quilting, while pretty from the back, is mostly wasted on the front! Oh well, I'm always learning!


  1. Fun and pretty! Hmm. . . I do a lot of "hmphing" when someone says something isn't right - unless it's an item for a specified category in a competition or a commissioned work, there *is* no right and wrong. More or less effective results are part of the growing process, but there's no "wrong" in personal quilting. :)

  2. I totally agree with LynCC about there not being a right or wrong to personal quilting!

    I love the bright colors that you've chosen.

    Enjoy your weekend,

  3. while the quilting might be lost on the front, it is certainly gorgeous from the back!

  4. What a great use of your scraps! As prolific as you are I know there will be lots more of these in your future!
