
Sunday 7 August 2011

Census Countdown

The 2011 Australian Census is in 2 days, on the 9th of August. Everyone in Australia, wherever they are, must fill in their form on Census night.

Australians who haven't yet received their Census form (or eCensus envelope) can click here - it will take you to the Census website where you can request your form.

Below is a little information about the Census, taken directly from the Australian Bureau of Statistics website:

• This is the 16th Census and marks 100 years of national Census taking in Australia.
• The Census is held once every five years. The last one was held in August 2006.
• Australia has a population of 22,493,120 people.
• Census forms will be distributed to every one of Australia’s 9.8 million households.
• Approximately 14.2 million Census forms have been produced.
• The main Census forms are the Household form and the Personal form. The Household form has 61 questions and the Personal form has 55.
• It takes about 20-25 minutes to complete a Census form, depending on the individual.
• The 2011 Census will cost about $440 million, or about $19 per person.
• Population estimates based on Census data are used to determine the allocation of around $45 billion worth of GST funding to the states and territories.

And there's more information from the ABS here.

For a little fun, if you're on facebook, you can find the Census game, and see how much you know about the Census and Australia, or you can follow the twitter feed.

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