
Monday 12 September 2011

In reflection

I've thought and thought about this post. I've spent the evening sewing the binding onto a quilt, watching television.

Ten years ago, Simon and I were watching the late news, when some breaking news came through. We spent the rest of the evening glued to our television, trying to absorb the news ourselves, as the newsreader had to come to grips with it publicly.

Tonight, as I heard the many names read out, and the moving tributes, the thing which hit me most was one name. I didn't catch the man's last name; I was too busy mulling over his given names; James Edward.

It occurred to me as I was sewing the last few stitches of my quilt, that I was using fabric sent to me by the designer, Kate Spain, who's from New York. As I spread it out in front of me to run my hands over it, it also occured to me that the design reflected some aspects of the site. I had been planning to name the quilt Stepping Stones, but perhaps Reflection might be more appropriate. I'll think about it.


  1. Beautiful quilt. Beautiful thoughts. Both names seem appropriate.
