
Sunday 16 October 2011

A porthole

I'm having a quilting break for the benefit of my back and shoulders, and thought I'd share a picture of one of the completed portholes from the other beach scene quilt - the one I was starting to quilt before this one took priority.

They were rather fiddly to put together and add (accurately) into the quilt top, but I'm delighted with they way they're turning out.

While I'm quilting sand and boats and oceans, it's the Centenary Opening Day at Henley Sailing Club, and Simon is down there with James and Eleanor and one of the boats. I prefer the fabric variety!


  1. Cool idea! I like how it's turning out.
    I'm enjoying your blog. Thanks for sharing.

  2. I love this! What a neat idea.

  3. Oh wow! That is such a cool idea, Emma! Beautiful!
