
Friday 14 October 2011

The pot calling the kettle messy

When I'm selecting the fabrics for my beach scene quilts, I do create quite a mess. I need to be able to see every fabric, and because I use them multiple times, it would be a complete waste of time to refold each one every time, so I end up with masses of loosely-gatehred fabrics covering every available surface around my work area. But I thought it was a bit rich for James to come in and comment on the mess this morning! He clearly has forgotten just how bad his room was a while ago, and how long it took us (mostly me) to tidy it all properly! I, on the other hand, have not!

For the record, I finished the fabric selection before lunch, and the fabrics are now all neatly refolded and sorted back into their piles. The water prints (including the reef ones) fill an entire shelf in my cupboards - although I'm still on the lookout for more. The more I have, the easier it is to find the right piece for each spot, and finding a new range of water/ocean prints makes my day!

This evening I have pieced all the water sections, and joined them together; next up are the sun and the section of sand.


  1. That exactly what it looks like here when I am working on one of my kaleidoscopes.

  2. That is what my room looks like sometimes, but for a very short time. Can't work when it stays like that for long.

  3. Hi Emma, I know you like Sandi Henderson's garden fabrics so thought I'd let you know that there are a couple on (v good) sale at ie $4/5 per half mtr. Louise is closing the fabric side of her business in Brisbane.

    Just thought you might like to have a look. Tania.

    PS have finally finished my Parterre Garden quilt from Homespun magazine YAY!! I quilted it myself.....hmmmm, but I think it's passable for a first attempt. LOL I'll take pics when I finish the hanging sleeve and send you one.
