
Sunday 9 October 2011


This little art quilt is all finished and ready to post tomorrow.

It's a spring verison of my tree design, but I did a few things differently with this one.

I used a darker fairy frost for the leaves, which I'm really pleased with, and used the same one for the binding, instead of the stripe print I used last time. There are also a few more leaves and blossoms.

If I waited a few more days, I've be able to take photos of it in the tree that's just starting to blossom in our front garden; it blossoms later than most - after the leaves have appeared, just like the quilt! I've no idea what sort of tree it is though - there's never any sign of fruiting.

I love spring, and I rather miss the abundance of blossoming trees around Canberra; Adelaide's climate is more Mediterranean and we don't get such distinct seasons.


  1. Lovely quilt Emma - spring - sneezing seazon for me...yuk! Your quilting is fantastic!

  2. The tree is pretty, yes, but your quilting is stunning. I'm a big fan of what you're able to do on a domestic. Way to go!

  3. Es un trabajo precioso...y ese acolchado está genial, pero que difícil de ser hacerlo.
