
Saturday 29 October 2011

Stars of the Sea in AP&Q

A few days ago I gto my copy of Australian Patchwork & Quilting Vol 20 No11, which includes Stars of the Sea as a project.

I don't have brilliant photos of it - I only had about half an hour in which to take them before taking it to the post office, the sun was in the wrong spot to use my usual wall, my good camera had a flat battery (so I used the old one, which for some reason was also set on a very low resolution), I couldn't find a wall big enough for it to hang completely flat, and the best option didn't have room for me to stand far enough back to take a good straight-on image! However, I do have some nice detail images, and some progress photos, and will photograph it properly when I get it back in a week's time.

(image from AP&Q)

I absolutely love this quilt; I love the colours, and the effect of the blocks, and am thrilled with the border quilting - the centre quilting is just average, but it doesn't detract from the rest, so that's ok.

I used nine different colourings of the same star block, using a palette of seven aqua fabrics in varying tones and shades, plus a few extra aquas for the borders and binding. Ideally the border and binding fabrics would ahve been selected from those used in the centre, but I dind't have enough - and I decided to add the aqua borders after piecing the top (in fact, I'd actually sandwiched it without them, then changed my mind!).

These blocks are all shown prior to quilting

I did photograph one block in detail after quilting; I quilted the stars with silver metallic thread; each star in a different pattern:

A section of the border (looking at the photos again, I can't wait to do more quilting like this!):

I showed more photos of the whimsical feather quilting when I was doing it back in June, and love it as much now as I did then.

I used a bowl and Hera marker to mark the scallops and the feather spines - it was quick and easy (practically no pre-planning required) and left no marks to remove later! The feathers radiate form the corners, and 'meet' in the centres of the sides - I just kept adding 'another bowl' on either side until the gap between them was smaller than 2 bowls

I made my own template for the snowflakes (used in the corner scallops, and scattered among the loops in the background of the star blocks), but had difficulty removing the blue pounce. The blue water-soluble clover marker wasn't that keen on coming out, either.

This shows the quilting over the whole quilt - the only way I could get the whole thing in:

And the (rather sad) best I could do straight-on (admittedly it is a whopping 100 x 92in, king-size quilt!):

Stars of the Sea will be hanging in the Express Publications stand at the Festival of Quilts in Adelaide next weekend.


  1. Wow, Emma, that is stunning and your FMQ is gorgeous! I love how the same block has such a different look when you use different fabrics. Wow!

  2. Wonderful quilt!! It is amazing to see how many different designs you can get just from re-coloring the same pattern!!!

  3. Breathtaking! I was so busy admiring the color choices that I didn't even realize that it was the same block.

  4. Oh the finished quilt is even better than I imagined. I love the whimsical feathery you did too. That is my kind of design and quilting too. Keep up the great work.

  5. Wow! Amazing job; your fabric and blocks are wonderful, and your quilting is great! Thanks for sharing.

  6. Wow Emma - thats amazing! What a beautiful quilt and I do love your quilting. Looks like a wonderful article in the magazine!

  7. I really love the border quilting and have put it on my list for quilting designs to learn. It looks so lovely but really covers the area well so there are not big bubbles of non quilted spots.

  8. As always, your design and quilting are spectacular. You are truly blessed with a gift for this, and I'm happy for you to be exploring and growing it. You deserve all the kudos you receive.

  9. congratulations, this quilt is wonderful!!!
    I´ll sign in as a follower right away!

  10. Love your quilt and your quilting is exquisite!

  11. Hi! Greetings from Finland! That quilt is so stunning! I am speechless! It’s so nice to find other quilters all around the world!

  12. Do you still own this quilt? Is it for sale? I would be very interested in buying it or possibly a similar quilt.
