
Saturday 5 November 2011


Although I made the decision some time ago, when it comes down to it, picking up the rotary cutter and slicing out a chunk of a half-finished quilt top is a daunting prospect!

Using several large rulers (I absolutely love the 18in square I bought a while back, it's invaluable!) I carefully marked the section to be removed first, to make sure it was totally squared. Then I bit the bullet and cutI Then I carefully measured the gaping hole left behind and cut a new centre, 1in larger in either direction.

I'm not going to put the green 1/2in border again; I think it'll work better without. The new centre isn't attached yet, but I have traced, fused and cut-out the new tree; it's much bigger and in some darker, wood-print fabric.

It feels good to have made the cut and be making progress again.


  1. Sometimes we have to take drastic measures to get a quilt to look like we want it to. My theory is that quilting is supposed to be fun and part of the fun is liking what I am producing and if it just isn't right for what ever reason I change it. If I don't that nags at me forever. Looking forward to the change you are making on this quilt.

  2. That is daunting, Emma, but you did a great job. The new tree looks great.

  3. Oh my goodness, that tree is STUNNING!!!!
