
Monday 5 December 2011

Colour Play

I made this quilt back in April for a friend's baby, but somehow neglected to blog the finished item.

I should be appliqueing again tonight, but have even less motivation than usual, since I'm getting a killer sore throat. I'd go to bed, but there's a program I want to watch at 11.30, so I'm getting a few things done in the meantime.

Colour Play is made from Vicki Welsh's hand-dyed gradients, which I just love using.

I quilted each column with a figure-of-eight loop, using matching threads. Some columns have only one colour thread, others up to three.

It's an incredibly simple quilt, to show off the fabrics. It's also fulfilling my intention to make some simpler baby quilts to ease my load somewhat.

Now here's hoping my sore throat isn't the start of a cold!


  1. Wow, this is spectacular quilting. Love the colours!

  2. Fabulous quilt, Emma! Love the colour play!

  3. Love simple. Love the bright colors! Great baby quilt. Hope you're not getting that cold.
