
Monday 9 January 2012

Twinkle, twinkle, little star...

After much deliberation, I called this quilt Like a Diamond. I'd thought of naming it 'In the Sky' but then realised I'd printed out the label with the first name, so that settled it!

Anyway, it feels good to have my first finish of the year, and one that's come together so nicely - and quickly! I took it outside to photograph it today, and was lucky to get all 3 quilts completed before the rain started again. It's most unseasonal weather, for which I am very grateful; I hate hot summers.

There are 18 curvy background pieces, all in different blues - mostly navy, but with a few deep purples (hopefully not too girly!) and slightly lighter blues to give it added depth.

I fused the star in place, but cut the centre out of the fusible web star, so there's only about 1cm of web around the edge. This made the star easier to quilt, but it also meant that there was no fusible web where the hole in the centre was. I left the hole on purpose, so there wouldn't be a big build-up of seams, but I didn't then want to accidentally fuse the centre of the star to the ironing board!

I quilted a variety of swirly, loopy lines radiating from the star in a bright yellow embroidery thread, and used the same on the star itself, then filled the rest of the background quickly with a small loopy meander in navy BottomLine. This worked well to disguise a few small areas where the curved background pieces didn't want to lie completely flat.


  1. It's so pretty. You do the nicest work, especially in your quilting. I simply must get some of that Bottomline for the bobbin thread. I've been quilting with Aurifil on top and in the bobbin, but I'd like to give Bottomline a try. Thanks for always generously sharing your projects with us. It nice to pick up new ideas, especially from so far away!

  2. It's wonderful, Emma! Congrats on your first finish of the year!

  3. It is wonderful and I think that "Like A Diamond" is the perfect name!!

  4. Hi there. I've just found your blog, love it and have become a "FOLLOWER."
    I will visit as often as possible.
    Take care.

  5. Hi there my name is jennifer, i found your star or diamond baby quilt on pinterest and fell in love with the design! I would love to make one for my self, is there any way you could tell me how you made the quilt top? And could you possibly email me the amount of fabric you used? I plan to try and make a queen size version of it but i have no idea how to go about making it. my email is jennanimates i would really appreciate the info!

  6. I've been directed to your blog by a fellow FB friend. Your work is truly A-MAZ-ING!

  7. This is amazing! I hope I can one day quilt like this.
