
Wednesday 8 February 2012

For my DQS12 partner

Sorry I've been absent lately; I have no real reason or excuse, and hope to get back into it once my second summer cold has past.

I always find it easier to start on a swap quilt if my partner has provided lots of information about their likes and dislikes - not that everything needs to be taken into account, but I find it all helps.

So here's some expanded information; I hope you find it helpful (it's not meant to be prescriptive) and not daunting!

  • First, let's get the negatives out of the way: I don't like murky colours, shabby chic, naive, country, '30s or civil war repros. I don't like buttons or yoyos, and am not keen on ricrac. I never got into the red/aqua colour combo. You won't find any Denyse Schmidt, Aneela Hoey or Heather Ross in my stash - for good reason!
  •  If you can't think of a colour for the solid: I'm not into pinks or oranges, I like any shade of blue from greeny-turquoises to purples and I've discovered a recent fondness for greys.
  • I love fresh lines and colours. Generally I prefer colours which have some contrast, so you can actually see the design of the piecing. Althernatively, designs where the piecing is 'hidden' but a pattern emerges from the fabric selection and placement is wonderful (think Paula Nadelstern).
  • I would love something with a little cuteness/whimsy - it's not something that tends to come out in my own quilts, but I think it's fantastic.
  • I love detail and texture added through quilting.
  • I love New York Beauty blocks and the options for adapting them.
  • I love frogs, pandas and anything to do with snow.
  • What always gives a quilt some zing is something unexpected - whether in the quilting, the colours or the piecing. I like a quilt to make my eyes travel around, finding new things.
  • My favourite fabric designers are Sandi Henderson Kate Spain and Paula Nadelstern.

And because I can't have a post without photos, below is a sneak look at Reflections:
It was returned to me today, along with an advance copy of the magazine it's in. Full photos soon.


  1. I love this quilt and would enjoy making it someday.

  2. I really like this quilt it shows off the terrain fabric, and the quilting is perfect for it.
    Ive got a terrain layer cake waiting to be baked into something, not sure what yet thou.
