
Wednesday 22 February 2012

Word verification apologies

Firstly, apologies to anyone trying to comment on this blog and being stymied by the awful new word verifications blogger has instituted. I have tried to turn it off for you, but that functionality has mysteriously disappeared - as have any help pages which might assist. I suspect my inability to turn it off is linked to the recent (and unannounced) change which has seen Australian-based blogspot blogs gain the '.au' extension which appears to have caused other blips, such as the loss of our quick-edit facility. I've logged my complaints with Google / Blogger regarding both issues, and the more people who do, the sooner we can hope for it to be fixed. In the meantime, I hope you'll persist if you do want to leave a comment!
Meanwhile, I've been working on this nautical themed quilt. The sashings are all trimmed, and I've removed the foundations. The cornerstones I'd made before - excpet for the 4 outer corner ones, which will be slightly different fabric in the centres; I was waiting until I cut and pieced the main blocks before I cut those. Today I made the main blocks, and now I'm in the process of joining them with the sashings.

The centres of these blocks were cut on-point, and I only had a limited amount of the feature fabric for them. I did have enough, with a little left over (though nowhere near enough for my orginal design). I'm easily about to cut the extras I need for the corner cornerstones from the offcuts left from cutting these on point. I remembered the bolt of solid navy I've had for years and only recently cut into. It's an almost perfect match for the navy background of the feature print, and has been the ideal substitute elsewhere in the quilt.


  1. Love nautical themed quilts!

    And these type of word verifications are really awful! Sometimes you just cannot make out what the letters are... So I keep hitting the little refresh button thingy... But I know it would be easy to put people off from commenting..

    Hope they get it fixed for you...

  2. Is that the blue I sent you or the one i sent had a different colourway? I do have some of this range, suprisingly its a WIP!

  3. Hi Emma - congratulations on your win at flourishing palms :) and here's a link that might help with turning off the word verification
