
Wednesday 14 March 2012

900 and a new quilt

Hmm, 900 posts in 4 1/2 years. I'll have to start thinking of something special for the big 1000 in about 4 months' time! In the meantime, a little housekeeping - you may have noticed I've added some 'pages'; they're sitting under the header across the top. I've renamed the old gallery page to My Quilt Gallery, and all the new ones relate to machine quilting; there's a guide to preparing your quilt before sending it to a professional quilter, a list of my quilting services and prices, some FAQs about getting a top quilted (I'm planning to keep adding to this and am keen for question suggestions), a gallery of quilting examples arranged by category, and a new link to directly email me. While I will continue to share quilting on customer quilts on occasion, I've no intention to make that the focus of my blog, other than those pages sitting (hopefully fairly unobtrusively) there.

This is the quilt that's been keeping me out of mischief and up late over the long weekend. I've finally added the last border; although they're plain, there are 5 of them (below, starting with the white/grey spot, going out to the white/grey dandelions), including the 1/4in white peeper border. Sewing borders on is probably my least favourite part of quiltmaking; it's tedious doing it properly - but even worse unpicking and redoing it if it's not done properly in the first place! Anyway, it's done, and I'm particularly pleased with how even the white peeper is.

Now it's back to quilting for me, but there are two ahead of this one in the queue, including the one below. I'm trying out the stitch-in-the-ditch walking foot, and am pretty impressed with it. It's a bit loud, but effective - even along seams where the ditch keeps changing sides because I've pressed the seam allowances in opposite directions to butt them against each other.

And, just for Adds - they made good fuel:

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