
Saturday 10 March 2012

Very hungry quilting

This gorgeous Very Hungy Caterpillar quilt by Kayscha is the first customer quilt I've quilted on the 820, and it went swimmingly for the most part.

The multicoloured background is quilted in a large swirl pattern in a red/yellow/blue/green Rainbows thread by Superior coloured. I love Rainbows and am so pleased i cna use them more now; I quilted the whole lot in one go (have I mentioned how terrific the huge 820 bobbins are? Although they come at a price - the best I've found is about $3.50 each - yes, each!) and without a single thread break or other problem!

I used the same rainbow thread to quilt around the butterfly, then filled the wings with a few open feather plumes.

I used a green Auriful 50wt cotton to quilt around the caterpillars, including around each of the 'bumps' on the main caterpillar.

Then I swapped to white bottomline to quilt in the ditch around the snall caterpillar blocks, and fill the background wth wavy McTavishing-inspired lines, and I did experience quite a few thread breakages here.

I dithered for a while about how to fill around the large caterpillar and the butterfly, then inspiration hit, and I chose large pebbles to match the ranbow spot print surrounding them - perfect! For these I switched to a white 50wt Gutermann cotton. Although I think the Bottomline would be better for pebbling, until I figure out how the 820 wants me to treat it, the 50wt cotton was much easier. I quilted in the ditch around these blocks, too.


  1. Yes Emma they are 'chopped off' can't the the right side of the red border in the top I'm assuming it is chopped.

    The pebbles look cute...I used them on my VHC quilt too.
