
Thursday 19 April 2012

Cutting, sewing, talking...

I filled the few hours I was without my sewing machine the other day by cutting. I'd already cut 600 white HSTs and 100 white rectangles; now I have 300 of these coloured QSTs to add to the mix - and a lot of piecing to do. I hadn't quite realised how many pieces were going to be in the quilt - all you really 'see' in the design is the coloured triangles!

While I cut, James sewed - and talked (incessantly!). Eleanor spent that day (and night) at my parents', so it was a good opportunity for him to work on her quilt. It only needs one more seam to complete the centre of the top, then we have the border to add. He's doing almost everything himself; he chose the fabrics, helped design the layout, and does all the pinning and sewing (with some assistance) and even the pressing (with more assistance). He'll sandwich it when the time comes, and we'll probably quilt it together. I'm not ready to set him loose with the rotary cutter though!


  1. Woo Hoo for James! Also it is amazing sometimes how many pieces a quilt has, isn't it?!
