
Saturday 14 April 2012

Glammed-up for DQS12

I finally got around to editing the photos of my DQS12 quilt to  show the true colours. Quilts with a lot of dark fabric can be a challenge to photograph!

(Finished size: approx 18in square)
To ensure I met the swap requirements, I pieced 8 of the drunkards-path blocks. Although technically, only 4 are traditional blocks, and the other eight I decided it was better not to add extra (unnecessary)seams into the navy solid, and pieced the print onto larger sections of the solid.
(fully pieced but unquilted)

I loved my plan for this quilt, but it didn't come out quite as well as I'd envisioned. I think it would have been better with more, smaller blocks.That said, I'm still pleased with how it came out. And frankly, I have no desire to piece smaller curves!

I chose a different filler pattern for each of the wholecloth clamshells. The filigree is definitely my  favourite.

I  quite like the feathers, too.

The printed sections are selectively quilted along the pattern in matching threads- just enough to stop them bagging-out. That way they provide wonderful texture contrast - I may have floated my fingertips across the quilt surface more than once or twice!

The print is from Paula Nadelstern's 'Patternista' and the binding is 'Deja vu', also by Paula.

Threads: background is navy BottomLine (by Superior), coloured clamshells are Rainbows (variegated trilobal poly, also from Superior) and the top clamshell is silver holgraphic Glitter (again, Superior!)

Hopefully now this little quilt is well on its way to its overseas destination...


  1. Fabulous Emma - I love how you have all those different fillers. Its very effective.

  2. It's fabulous! Someone is getting a very special quilt in their mail.

  3. Wow! Emma, it's amazing! You have such incredible control and can quilt so small! Beautiful, beautiful work!

  4. I think it is perfect just the way it is. I, too, love the filigree and feathers! Is there more information about how you do the feathers? There is no spine, right? Do you always start at the bottom and go up the feather? As you can tell, I don't have any experience, but your work makes me want to try!

  5. I really, really, really like this quilt! Your quilting and designs are marvelous! Such detail. It works perfectly on this small quilt. You certainly wouldn't want this dense quilting on a bed quilt! Ha. For sure you'd still be quilting! I'm jealous of the person who will receive it.
