
Thursday 5 April 2012

Gum tree

I'm working on a new tree quilt. This shows how I adapted the shape; I enlarged my pattern to approximately the right size, printed it onto several A4 sheets, then cut it up and stuck it back together.

As the tree will have a border of gumnut babies prints, I thought it had better be a gum tree - of sorts; artistic licence and all that... The tree itself is appliqued in place, and I'm cutting and playing with positions of the leaves and blossoms - this won't quite be the final layout.


  1. It look gummish to me! Can't wait to see it with the borders on, sounds cute!

  2. Love it already, we have a small red flowering gum and as soon as I saw the last photo I was thinking Oh my gosh I love it :)

  3. Oooo. This is going to be great! I love how the simple changes you made to the structure of the tree turned it into something different. It sorta looks like a eucalyptus with that "bark-y" looking print. I'm looking forward to seeing how you progress on this one. Good work.

  4. It is wonderful.....I can smell it from here!!!
