
Tuesday 24 April 2012

Space to avoid pinning

I hate pinning! I avoid it wherever I can. And when I'm sewing 300 identical seams, I love the space in the 820 to position the pairs of pieces and lay them out, so I can chain-piece and just slide the next one over to the needle when I'm ready for it. In as few 'batches' as possible - efficiency and all that...

The quilt top I'm working on has exactly 1000 pieces. I sewed the 600 white triangles to the 300 coloured triangles in two (long!) steps - separated by (very long!) sessions with the iron (also done production-style). I've also joined the sets of triangles, and added the 100 white rectangles and am starting to combine the units into complete blocks.

The other night I had meant to piece, but I spent the evening with my feet up and a good book, with Shadow curled asleep in my lap for hours. The following day I had meant to tidy, but pieced instead. What do I need to plan to do to actually get around to the housework? A dinner party on Sunday - resulting in a day of flat-panic housework for everyone to make up for everything we've delayed!


  1. If you do your housework too early, you only have to do it again. It's all in the timing. The "piecing space" looks really handy. I have bits laying about in all sorts of places around my machine to do the same, nowhere near as efficient as your way.

  2. I'm with you - I hate pinning too and often avoid it (and end up with wonky seams!!)

  3. You want to talk housework motivation? I have my book group arriving in just over an hour and what am I doing??? Catching up on my blog reading!
