
Saturday 28 April 2012


Whatever Otto did to my 820 last week, it definitely did the trick! I've been FMQing with BottomLine, and it's close to perfect, even though this time I'm quilting through a double layer of batting. It's also meant I have been able to set aside the BSR foot, since I wasn't using the BSR feature anyway, and am using the regular open toe free motion foot. It has much better visibility without the BSR unit in the way.

I really wanted to jump into the fun quilting on this quilt (peek above and below), but after doing some background fill, I realised I'd better do some of the ditch and stabilising work next, before the quilting shrunk it and puffed-up the other areas too much. I'm only marking it bit by bit, as I'm using the air-erasable marker and have no intention of needing to mark anything twice! I'm really only marking the structural lines; everything else is freehand.

The colours in these area bit off - teal in particular is hard to get right. Having photographed it under lights, it's almost impossible (for me) to comepletely correct.


  1. yet another example of your gorgeous quilting Emma! Just stunning!

  2. I'm glad to hear your Bernina is stitching better now. Your work certainly looks beautiful. It's good to know you can move the BSR out of the way too; I didn't know that was possible. You've sure done a nice job of planning the quilting "structure" and then filling in. It's looking great!

  3. Glad you are having good luck with the double batting. My attempt didn't work so well....the quilting was gorgeous but it would NOT lay flat!!
