
Sunday 13 May 2012

Custom quilting from 2 years ago

I  realised after receiving an email a while back that I had never blogged the photos of this Hot Possum quilt I quilted for a customer about 2 years ago! So I spent a while digging through my files and editing these:

It's entirely quilted with BottomLine threads. I quilted in the ditch between each block and around each applique. Then I used a different filler around each animal, did a little quilting on some of the larger animals where it was needed, and filled the remaining odd shapes with a variety of patterns.

A version of filigree around the giraffes (above).

A vine around the Gorilla (above and detail below).

Lots of tiny leaves round the monkeys in the tree:

and grass quilted in the stripy print beneath the monkeys:

Wavy lines radiating from the zebra:

Loop-the-loop around the flamingoes:

A snakey line around the snake:

I did a swirly pattern around the elephant, stippled the large body, and quilted some wrinkles along the trunk:

From the back to show it better; a double-loop around the rhino, with a feather and a starflower in the plain blocks beneath:

Stars and loops in the plain blue above the giraffes:

Again from the back; swirly stamen-like lines radiating from the flower applique:

And some more of the patterns in the plain blocks:

This was the one of the first customer quilts I quilted, and I remember having so much trouble with the Pfaff and breaking threads and skipped stitches. It took way, way, way longer than it should have! I also undercharged badly for it, I realise now!


  1. Great job with the quilting. It really adds a lot to the design.

    Also, I love the pattern...will have to try to find it!!!

  2. Cute, cute! Your quilting of it and the design itself. It's fun to quilt different designs in different areas, isn't it? You chose designs well for this one.

  3. If it helps, the little boy who now has the quilt absolutley loves it. Pitty the person who appliqued the animals on has no photos of the quilt due to a small digital camera erasing error.

    It was the most marvellous piece of quilting I think I had ever seen. It took alot to give it away.

    Thank you.
