
Friday 27 July 2012

Beach stripes

I'd been wating to bind the beach quilt until I received a specific stripe print for it, but finally, after weeks of waiting and numerous unanswered emails, I heard today that the shop is unable to supply it. While I'm not surprised at this point, I'm not impressed. So I pulled out a selection of options and photographed the eight most likely choices.

Seeing the fabrics in position with the quilt is the best way to choose, so here they are in order...

My preferences are 1, 3, 4 and 8....what do you think?


  1. I prefer any of the first 3. The others are too loud. I almost think I'd like one better that is deep blue where the quilt is deep blue and then have it change to the sky color when you are there. JMHO

  2. They all work well, but I think I'd go with 4 based on those photos. I think the stronger orange will balance well with your sun and the blues give a great nautical feel. Just my 2 cents. :)

  3. I would use 6. I like how it transitions into the next color.

  4. I'd go for number 1 if it was my quilt xx

  5. I would pick number 1 -it blends all the tones nicely without being too loud
    Heather x

  6. I was instantly draw to 4 but also like 8 as well. I prefer the ones where the strips in the fabric are not the same width but more random.

  7. I prefer number 2, the pinks in #1 are too dominant for me. I also prefer the smaller widths, where you just see a mix of colour, not each individual stripe, if that makes sense? So that narrows it down to the first three, but 1, and 3 seem a bit "candy" to me.

  8. My favourite is 1, my 2nd choice would be 8.

  9. 2 is my fave but I also like 1 & 3

  10. I'd pick Number 1 , it says "i'm here" but doesn't dominate the picture. 4 is great but it keeps dragging the eye back to say "look at me"

  11. I like 1, 2 and 7. With 2 the preference if the recipient is a boy perhaps.

  12. some great stripes - I like #4 personally.

  13. #4. And now maybe you're finding you shouldn't have asked!
