
Tuesday 24 July 2012

Blog Book

Early in the year, Linda had a giveaway on her blog for a gift voucher from Blog2Book. I don't enter giveaways unless the prize is something I especially want - and this was one of them. So I was positively delighted to win! Then, I sat on the voucher for months - to the point where I wasn't even sure it would be valid any more. But a few weeks ago my online quilting group was chatting about the idea, and it stirred me into action. I'd wanted to turn my blog into a book for ages, both for the security in case something ever happened to the online version, and for the fun of it.

The only reason I'd put it off was time, and now I see how silly that was. I could have been done in under half an hour - I ended up spending about an hour or so on this one, I kid you not! I have chosen to do one book per year of my blog, so this first one is a little short, as I only started blogging in August 2007. The initial choices took only about 15 minutes (selecting the time-frame, basic layout option, cover, title and dedication). I then decided to take a little extra time to upload specific photos for the covers and dedication, edit out a few 'junk' posts, opt out of the table of contents and a couple of other decisions.

While I would perhaps have liked a few additional options (e.g. the ability to edit out specific photos from a post, or a quick spellchecker) the limited choices means you don't spend too long dithering over relatively small decisions - something for whilch I am very grateful!

Luckily for me, my voucher was still valid, too! The length (and cost) of your book is dependent on a number of choices, but mostly the amount of content. My 61 posts (minus a few) from 2007 yielded a gorgeous, 72-page hardcover book (which you get to preview before finalising). The pages are lovely quality, and it's a thrill to see my blog in print. James and Eleanor love it, too - especially as they feature in it! Oh, and delivery was quick, too.

I've already prepared my 2008 book (which included over 200 posts, and will run to a rather more substantial 316 pages!), and in a  case of excellent timing, Blog2Book is having a sale until the 24th of July - 15% off with the code saveb2p15. I really encourage you to try it. It's not long - but it won't take you long! And if you wouldn't mind, email me (there's a link at the top of my blog) and I'll recommend you (anything to help with the costs of printing out 5 (so far) rather verbose and photo-heavy years !). Now, I'm off to finalise and order 2008.


  1. What a great idea, Emma! I may give this a go.

  2. I have used Blog2Book to transfer my blogs into a pdf file and really like it. That way I dont have to print itm but it is there if I want today I printed a copy of the Turkey Trip diary to send to my MIL!!

  3. Yay Emma! I'm so glad you used the gift certificate you won. The book is really pretty. Black sets off that quilt beautifully. I'm making my book annually too, because it's a great way to keep memories. This is a lovely post. I hope the Blog2Print people see it.
