
Monday 29 October 2012

Giveaway reminder

I just wanted to remind you to enter my giveaway. There's no need to guess the design source correctly to win - but I do promise that it is so famous that I'm certain you've all heard of it.

Aircraft engine - a potential future quilting design?!

I haven't done a lot of quilting this weekend, but I did at least manage to finish the ditch quilting on my current quilt, and complete most of the binding; I'll complete the hand stitching tomorrow evening.

James and Eleanor in an Aero Macchi training plane

Today's photos are from our afternoon at the South Australian Aviation Museum's Family Fun Day. I let James and Eleanor take turns with my old camera, which they absoutely loved - though the results were mixed!

Eleanor under a Canberra Bomber

They got the chance to climb into a number of old planes and their cockpits, hear some restored (and EXTREMELY loud) plane engines, crank an aircraft engine and see how it worked, and look at lots more.

For James it was also his long-awaited chance for a flight in a helicopter using some of his birthday money. It may have been a short ride, but I think it was money well spent!

The area around the Port isn't the most scenic, but this is the view back towards the city; we live in the hills right near the centre of the photo.

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