
Friday 19 October 2012

Just scraps

I have so may things to share just now that I don't know where to start! Fortunately tomorrow is Friday (my day) so I will try and catch you up a bit then. For now, I'll leave you with the colourful scraps left from cutting pieces for a couple of quilts:

All Paula Nadelstern fabric, from a variety of collections: Patternista, Nuance, Deja Vu, Opulence and Luminosity. There were a lot of pieces, and all off-shaped templates, so it's taken two evenings. Tomorrow I'll cut the background fabric for the first quilt, which should be faster.


  1. i might just have to drive up the hill to raid your scrap bin... some interesting bits in there

  2. I also have a huge collection of PN fabrics, I love ALL of them!
