
Sunday 20 April 2014

Fiddly curves

As usual, we're with my parents-in-law at their holiday house near the beach for Easter. We're having a lovely, relaxed time. Of course, I brought plenty of quilting with me, and at the moment I'm appliqueing a new magazine project, so just a small peek here:

These long strips are cut on the bias so I can curve them into shape. To avoid the iron erasing the marker, the first few I pinned on the ironing board, following the marked lines, then pressed them, which was insanely fiddly around the tight curves. It was really hard to get the curves smooth, and to avoid puckers on the inside edge. So then I tried just guiding it into place with one hand and encouraging a smooth curve with the iron as I went, which was much more successful - way faster and better results! Of course, the trouble could have been avoided if I'd brought my mini-iron, but at least now I  know it can be done without!

It's all set aside ready for stitching tomorrow. I'm about to string up the children's egg hunt in the living room, then head to bed.

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